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God's Calling

by - 12:39 PM

I believe that God has a special plan, and He is calling me to do something in my life. I need to seek him daily, and make a good relationship with Him. Only by doing that, I can understand what God really want me to do. Through faith in Him, I can go wherever he leads me to.  There are some goals in my life that I believe is God’s calling for my life.
I come from a small place in Papua Island, Indonesia. I got a full scholarship to study abroad in the United Stated. It is such as a biggest dream for people in my hometown to come to the United Stated. My place is really far behind compares to other cities in Indonesia. We are less in education, knowledge, and building infrastructure. My place needs more educated people to make some new movement. By all that reason, I know that this is a challenge or God’s calling for my life. 
I have some personal goals in my life. These are the goals that God’s want me to do. I have three big expectations: get a bachelor degree for civil engineering, work for my people in Papua, and make many infrastructures that can be used to develop hometown. God brought me far away from home is not just simply a chance for me to study abroad, but it is all because of God’s will in my life. Even though sometimes I feel lonely, and how I miss home, but because of I know this is what God’s want me to do then I can be still.  
 There are some plans I use to achieve all of my goals. The main key to get all of my expectation is by trust in God, and work hard. 
My goal, as a civil engineering student of LeTourneau University, I want to get done from my college, and get a bachelor degree for civil engineering. There are many adventures and challenges that I know I will go through it. Study hard, confidence, and trust in God are the modals to achieve my first goal. I am interested to take civil engineering is because of all my knowledge, and skills are connected to the major. Since in high school, mathematics and physics were my favorite subjects. Another reason why I choose Civil Engineering is because I have always been extracted with civil projects. I believe that my knowledge, experiences, and skills will assist me in obtaining a Bachelor’s degree. I am confident that I will achieve this personal goal.
As a person who came from left behind place, I want to work for my island. I have been studying abroad in the United States is because of the program from my government in Papua to sent more people study from different country. The program is aiming to produce more educated people in my island. The educated people who have a passion to build Papua become more develop. This is a biggest opportunity I’ve been receiving in my life. There are not many people from my island can get an opportunity to study abroad. I want to be an engineer who willingly to build my island. I don’t want people always affirm that my island is a left behind island. I want change people perspective about Papua. This goal has been a priority in my life, and this is what I believe as God’s calling.
I think that one my greatest influences in my goals is my island. God has given me a heart to love, and care for my island. I can’t even think of any other place except my island. I want to build more infrastructures as I apply my educational experiences to a real-life work environment or to my island Papua. Papua still need more infrastructures to serve its people better. I always kept interest in building construction: building, bridges, houses, and any other construction. These building construction are some example about my third goal that I want to do for Papua. As long as I work hard, and have big responsibility on myself then I will achieve all of expectation in life.
At the end, I like confirm that only God can make all my goals be possible. Matthew 6:33 said that we should seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Thus, only in God everything is possible. Because God is calling me to do so, then I believe He always be with me to accomplish all my goals in life.  

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