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Cultural Adjustment

by - 11:24 PM

According to the U Curve of Culture Shock and Cross Cultural Adjustment, I think I’m in the third stage. I feel more confident, comfortable, and competent to developing my skills as an International student. I slowly understand the difference between my current country and my home country. So, it is okay to have many differences. I am the one who have to learn how to cross the cultural adjustment. There are many things that helped in my adjustment. One thing for sure is that Americans are friendly. They are really understanding and helpful in my adjustment. They always help me to go through things that I have never known before. However, there is something that has hindered me in my adjustment: I am characterized as a shy person. My friends used to call me a shy person because I was a really quiet person that was a mistake because I deep inside didn’t want to be a quite person. My problem was my ability to speak English. However, as time goes by I feel more confident and comfortable to speak English. I don’t feel my English is good enough, but at least I am always trying to make progress in my English. As long as I keep working on improving English then I believe that my cultural adjustment will continue to go smoothly as well.   

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